The new summer season 2022 is approaching with great steps, so be sure to prepare your store well for it! Women are already looking around for the hottest clothing trends in stores, so this is the last bell for you to cut the assortment to their needs. To do this, check what the latest looks like summer collection in clothing wholesale, compare your range with them and buy wholesale summer clothing blockbusters if necessary. Especially for you, we will remind you in today’s entry the hottest summer trends in women’s fashion, so that you know what to look for. Thanks to this, you will have in our offer an attractive assortment for customers, which will sell like fresh buns!
Why is it so important to monitor market trends on an ongoing basis?
Today it is not enough to have in our offer some dresses and a few casual shirts in the store to attract customers with a summer collection. In the age of globalization and huge competition in the clothing market, you have to perfectly embed the tastes and specific needs of women in order to be able to effectively maintain yourself in business.
That is why you should constantly check and monitor dynamically changing trends, especially if you operate in the fast fashion sector. Here, trends change not even every season, but more often, and the one who first sees their potential wins. To do this, browse the assortments of popular clothing chains on an ongoing basis and check what is in store summer collection in clothing wholesale Women’s. Keeping a look at the wholesale range is a great idea to stay up to date, because the wholesaler always prepares an offer for a particular season in advance. Firstly, it has proven information, which is worth basing on creating summer collections. Secondly, while observing shortcomings in your own assortment, you can always replenish your inventory by shopping at a clothing wholesale store.
See what the summer collection proposes in the clothing wholesaler for this season!
So, how do you prepare the store for the upcoming summer season? What clothes do ladies expect and what will be especially on top this summer? Analyzing the goods available in the clothing online wholesale store and browsing the competition offer, our wholesale procurement expert has found some of the most strongly forming trends that will reign this summer. In her opinion women’s summer collection in clothing wholesale wyraźnie sugeruje, że w tym roku dziewczyny nadal hołubią minimalistyczny styl basic. Ponadto chętnie uzupełniają go elementami w stylu boho, nie tylko w postaci plecionych dodatków, ale także odzieży zaprojektowanej w tym duchu. Do letniej kolekcji swojego sklepu włącz zatem sukienki, topy, koszule i komplety w stylu boho, zdobione ażurowaniem, haftami, czy koronkowymi wstawkami. Powinny być uszyte z przewiewnej wiskozy oraz bawełny stylizowanych na lniane, a także posiadać stonowaną bazową kolorystykę. Doskonale sprawdzą się tutaj kolory ziemi, takie jak biel, khaki, brązy i beże.

Oprócz bazowego minimalizmu oraz nurtu boho w letniej kolekcji odzieżowej nie może zabraknąć również kobiecych kwiatów! Kwiatowe ubrania doskonale sprzedają się właśnie w okresie wiosna/lato, dlatego uzupełnij sklep kwiatowymi sukienkami oraz bluzkami.
Lato w najnowszym wydaniu przebiegnie także pod znakiem swobodnej wygody, lecz nie zabraknie też szczypty elegancji. Sportowe kolekcje z krótkimi dresowymi kompletami na czele poprzetykaj także eleganckimi marynarkami oraz szykownymi szortami z garniturowego materiału. Mamy nadzieję, że trends from the summer collection of clothing wholesalers will guide you in the right direction and help create a well-selling collection in your store.
What styles does the summer collection consist of in a clothing wholesale store? We’re checking!
You already know the latest summer clothing trends from wholesalers, but need more specific tips? No problem, our expert on wholesale trends has selected a few specific styles of clothes from wholesalers, which are now looking for by customers of retail stores. Be sure to include them in your summer collection and watch how much interest women will enjoy:
- FASHIONABLE SUMMER SET — aim for two-piece casual sets with shorts and trousers and top or shirt. Bet on models made of cotton or cotton viscose styled as linen and buy sets with a shorter top and high waist pants.
- BOHO SUMMER DRESS — bet on colorful maxi dresses with small flowers or long smooth models with a flounce at the bottom. White girl dresses with flounces and embroidery will also be a hit, bringing to mind the idyllic style of cottagecore.
- SHORT SUMMER TOPS — new summer collection in clothing wholesale also makes short tops on straps and cropped t-shirts. They are the absolute base of summer looks of girls who love the ethereal and romantic style, emphasizing charm. Aim for cotton solid color basic t-shirts as well as openwork sweater shirts strap tops in the style of boho.
- WHITE WOMEN’S TROUSERS — another hit among fashion lovers are also white trousers, preferably with a slightly wider wide leg leg. They blend wonderfully in fashionable white looks with a basic top or an elegant white shirt.
- RIBBED BASIC — a strong trend this year is still universal base clothes, with ribbed tops and pencil dresses at the head. Make sure you offer a fashionable base made of elastic ribbed material in a variety of colors.
We are convinced that summer collection in online clothing wholesale from will tell you the upcoming trends aptly. If you are missing from the assortment of something in the style described here, then immediately complete the offer by placing an online order.
Read also: Women’s summer sets – a large selection of models in online wholesale
Also check out: Fitted dresses with basic stripe – perfect for any figure!