It was fashionable in the autumn/winter season and now returns to spring in a new installment. We are talking about a denim, which currently does not have only one face. Trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets and overalls – what else should you add to your range? Discover what our denim collection in wholesale and stock up on fashion gems today!
Where did the fashion for jeans come from? Trend history
Zanim Levi Strauss uszył pierwszy model kultowych jeansów i zrewolucjonizował tym samym modowy rynek, denim był przede wszystkim wykorzystywany do szycia marynarskich mundurów, a później także i namiotów oraz pokrowców na wozy. Początkowo ich produkcja ograniczała się do francuskiego miasteczka, Nimes i urokliwej miejscowości we Włoszech, Genui. Zmieniło się to dopiero w wieku XIX za sprawą niemieckiego chemika, Adolfa von Baeyera. Opatentował on sposób na to, jak syntetycznie uzyskać barwnik, którym farbowano denim, dzięki czemu jeans przeniósł się na inne kontynenty.

W 1853 roku trafił on do Ameryki, gdzie dzięki Levi Straussowi stał się bardzo popularny. To właśnie też tam powstała pierwsza jeansowa kurtka, która została stworzona z myślą o pracownikach fizycznych oraz poszukiwaczach złota. Potrzebowali oni bowiem do swojej pracy wytrzymałych, wygodnych okryć, a denim idealnie się do tego nadawał. W późniejszych latach patent na modne „jeansówki” przejęła od Straussa firma Lee, która uszyła także pierwszy damski model jeansów. Do dziś obydwa nazwiska kojarzą się niezmiennie z kultowymi ubraniami z denimu, a one same co roku powracają do mody w coraz to bardziej oryginalnym wydaniu i zbiera ogromne plony popularności – na co dowodem jest nasza new denim collection in wholesale. Check!
New denim collection in wholesale — see what you must have in your store!
Denim collection in online wholesale includes no longer only denim redrawn jackets. In addition to this, it will not be missing:
- Vintage pants
The most fashionable styles in this season? We answer without a doubt – mom jeans, flare trousers with a hip style and, of course, immortal high-waisted bells. Necessarily washed, with jagged and riddled legs, and for good measure also in invigorating color.
- Micro skirts
Denim collection in spring wholesale also has a proposal for fans of Y2K style, that is, ultra short denim skirts. With low condition, simple design and with ruffle embellishment – behind this look around. Brilliant, if additionally they will be accompanied by prints and patches, sneaking against kitsch. It’s the last cry of fashion that will be popping up almost everywhere.
- Vests
What about denim vests, reminiscent of the suit ones? They will work in replacement for the usual T-shirts and tops, as well as passionately lanced this season corsets. Besides, they will create the perfect duet with denim hipsters and low-waisted skirts. Definitely our favorite!
- Braletka
Do not forget about the absolute hit of this season, which are bralettes. Collection of denim in clothing wholesale proposes especially those with a padded bra, buttoned and classic shades (baby blue, navy blue and gray), which will complement casual looks. What do you reach for?
Denim collection in wholesale – how to create fashionable outfits with it?
How to Smuggle the Clothes It Offers denim collection at wholesale for styling, consistent with the latest trends? We’re hinting!
- Monolook
Simple, lightning-fast and importantly – immortal. This is how you can briefly describe the first set, which is a denim total look. To create it, you just need flare trousers with a low waist, a bralette or a jeans vest and a denim jacket, which will turn the whole thing into the original set al ‘2000.
- Wild West
Denim collection in online wholesale it will take us to a real western without any problems too. How to do this? Combine boot cut jeans with XXL suede katana, wide-brimmed hat and cowgirl boots (preferably trimmed with fringes and with openwork embellishment). Nothing to add, put nothing.
- Classics 2.0.
How to make elegant sets for spring 2022 not boring? Add jeans to them – in the form of a jacket, top or just trousers from denim, which this season will defend themselves even in the official release. As for that? A set of classic jewellery, sandals on a pin and a box to hand.
Read on: Wholesale jeans — take care of fashionable denim pants in your store!
You can’t miss: Jeans sold wholesale — what styles to introduce to the collection?