Spring, without a doubt, belongs to the fashion playground. However, in addition to the extravagant, bold proposals, we also have some classic solutions for you – especially when it comes to fabric pants in wholesale. Which ones will be the most fashionable? In addition to comfortable joggers, we will continue to pay tribute to trends for elegant chinos and cigarillites, as well as colorful boot cuts and corduroy bells. The full list of our bestsellers can be found below – check it out!
Fabric pants in wholesale in spring – learn the trends from the catwalks
What spring fabric pants wholesale zdominowały tegoroczne trendy? Przede wszystkim te, które zapewniają swobodę i wygodę, czyli o szerokiej nogawce, z lejącej tkaniny i o kroju full length, który zapewnia sporo możliwości stylizacyjnych. Nie bez znaczenia pozostają zatem szwedy, kuloty i model palazzo, które będą stały tuż obok dzwonów, spodni slouchy i tych o fasonie boot cut. Do łask wracają również garniturowe spodnie z nogawką w kant. Doskonale sprawdzą się w klasycznej wersji – w stonowanych, beżowych odcieniach, a także w orzeźwiających, mocnych kolorach. Wszystkie z nich wyróżniać się będą nie tylko krojem, lecz także barwą, fakturą materiału i zdobieniami. Co powiecie na powrót do szalonych lat 70. i modele z nogawką do połowy łydki, obszyte frędzlami? A może modele z ciekawymi wycięciami na biodrach, które z kolei przywiodą na myśl słynne “ejtisy”? Nie zapominajcie także o kryształkach, kiczowatych nadrukach i naszywkach – kwintesencja powracającej do łask ery Y2K.

Must haves of the season – which ones to choose?
Though reviewing the trends for the new season, Women’s fabric pants in wholesale They do not cause as much delight as fashionable coats, dresses and handbags, they will certainly be one of the basic elements of a woman’s wardrobe. Which ones are worth paying special attention to? We suggest:
- Cigars
The perfect cut that will look great, regardless of the type of figure. This year, without charges, it will defend itself especially in the plaid edition of various shades. However, they will get along especially well with a muted palette of colors – grays, beiges and chocolate browns. A quick way to look elegant.
- Chinos
Straight cut, slanted seething and leg length 7/8. Cloth pants in online wholesale chinos are another hit in the spring, which can not be missing especially in casual sets with ramonesque and comfortable sneakers. Fantastic will come out especially in invigorating colors – pink, green and juicy orange.
- High Waist Paperbag
Comfortable, practical and in addition great shaping of the figure. Models resembling a crushed paper bag around the waist we will again wear mainly in the release of immortal beiges and earth colors. The high waist will undoubtedly combine with a cropped style – both when it comes to fashionable T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, and outerwear.
- Wide Suit Legs
Fashionable fabric pants in wholesaleWhat will successfully become the basis of styling in the spirit of power dressing? There is no better solution for this than models with a wide, ironed leg, resembling a bottom from a man’s suit. This season we will not only reach for those in classic colors – they will do equally well in a version doused with milk pastels, refreshing neon lights, etc.
- Loose joggers
It is vain to look for them on the catwalks – despite this, they still reign on store shelves. The most fashionable of them have strong colors and are redrawn, and this season they are also supplemented a patchwork element. Excellent in combination with warm cotton sweatshirts and sports shoes, as well as in a duet with elegant coats to the ground.
Fashionable fabric pants in wholesale in a couple of views – our stylizations
How to dodce fabric pants wholesale onlineto give them an original character? Just a couple of simple additions – see what:
- Urban backlash
Loose paperbags and mom fit models will certainly do well here. The easiest way to style them is a smooth oversize t-shirt, ramonesque leather and ultra colored platform sneakers. We added to this a kidney slung over the shoulder – nonchalance 2.0.
- Another day at the office
Although fabric pants wholesale from FactoryPrice.eu are mainly associated with little formal looks, they will be fun to complement elegant sets. How do you smuggle them in them? Preferably in a plaid or fine houndstooth cigarillet design and with a belt that will emphasize the waist. Plus a blazer, shirt with a collar and a set of classic jewelry. Class!
- Afternoon coffee
For loose chats with or without a friend, soft corduroy bells will be reliable. We offer them in a combination of al parisian chic – with a beret, a cute sweater and a modest postwoman on the shoulder. Leather pumps on the legs, and on the hands the signets in the release of chunky. What more to want?
Also check out: New spring collection in the online wholesale store — what to order for the store?
You can’t miss: Sweatpants from the brand Basic Feel good — what to combine them with in spring looks?