Women’s shirts in wholesale FactoryPrice.euthat will be the hallmark of this and next season? In addition to classic plaid models and with an elegant, modest collar, satin, slippery models, reminiscent of sensual pajamas, as well as those insulated, from plush material, will also be defended. Explore our hottest fashion hits and see what lineups we’ll be bundling them in!
Women’s shirts in wholesale – discover the latest trends for 2022
The new season in fashion does not cease to surprise us. Especially when it comes to women’s shirts wholesale online. Bez wątpienia w najbliższych miesiącach dalej będziemy hołdować modzie z lat 90., klasycznym retro fasonom i rozwiązaniom zaczerpniętym z modowej sceny ery Y2K. A zatem co najlepiej się sprawdzi? Nie tylko przerysowane, wyróżniające się kroje, lecz także żaboty, wiktoriańskie kryzy i falbany, które będą tworzyć wybuchające girlandy. Podium trendów podbiją również siateczkowe, prześwitujące koszule z welurowymi zdobieniami, z drapowanej tkaniny i w stylu gwiazd lat 2000, czyli z kiczowatym printem, zdobiącym całą połać tkaniny. A co dla fanek prostych rozwiązań? Bez dwóch zdań spodobają się im klasyczne modele z kołnierzykiem i stójką – zarówno o fasonie oversize, jak i lekko zwężanym w talii. Nie zapominamy także o must haves na zimę, czyli przytulnych flanelach oraz misiowych i podbijanych futerkiem koszulach. W kratę, gładkie, a może w tradycyjną jodełkę – każdy chwyt dozwolony.

Bestselling Must-Have Models — Women’s Shirts at FactoryPrice.eu
Though fashionable women’s shirts in wholesale hard to close in a paroppoint list, we present those that definitely can not be missing in your assortment. See:
- Victorian fashion
The trend of a few months ago is back in favor. What is he talking about? About ultra flashy, redrawn shirts that will win the hearts of all eccentrics. They should have puffy sleeves, a strongly marked shoulder line, a jabot, ruff and cuffs, resembling floral calyces. In addition to the classic edition in white, they will look great in a translucent version and emblessed with metallic thread.
- Sensual Satin
Frenzy on satin shirts for women in wholesale continues. This year, they are becoming more and more into comfortable pajamas with an extended bottom. A brilliant choice will not only be those in a shade of immortal white, black or golden caramel. Shades of furious fuchsia, indigo, green and carmine will work out equally well, as well as models decorated with patterned motifs. The perfect proposal for a “boring” navy.
- With binding
And how about models tied at the waist or braided around it with fabric trimming? According to the designers, it’s a hit that, after more than a year, is back in favor. Which ones to reach for? Those with a cropped design, with delicate puffs on the shoulders, collar or caro neckline and in vertical coloured stripes. They will work just as sensational as basic models, with classic cut.
- Lumberjack Girl
If you follow trends on an ongoing basis, it is hard not to notice that one of the popular models is also imitating warm flannels, women’s plaid shirts in wholesale. These days, they appear almost everywhere — not least in claw-clawed looks and recreating the Seattle vibe of the 90s. In addition, they will appear in homfy combinations with comfortable sweatpants and streetwear connections. Color – any.
Our Top 4 Irresistible Dressup
Who said that women’s shirts at online wholesale store they must be boring? It is enough to put them together properly to bring out their styling potential. Explore our proven method for fashionable “shirt” outfits:
- Classics, classics and once more classics
This is a banal, already hinged set – for its creation, black cigarils or suit bells, a white shirt with a simple cut and a jacket under the color of trousers will suffice. Additionally, pumps, jewelry in gold and a clutch bag. Passe? Nothing similar – this is currently the most desirable styling of the season. Simple, lightning fast and most importantly, classy.
- The frenzy of the 1970s
Trendy shirts this year countless times will also appear in outfits, which would surely be envied by Children Flowers. How to create it? All it takes is a shirt with a round school collar, an ultra-color vest with abstract liniments, denim bells or boot-cuts and ankle boots on a thick post – preferably in white or suede, imitating cowgirls.
- Yin yang
Business look in less than three minutes? We give the instruction: a minimalist shirt with a stand-up collar, a pencil skirt, and on top a trench coat in a classic shade and cut. The whole thing will perfectly match the buckle attached to the hair, a small, handy handbag and a satin scarf, which can be tied in a pair of ways – around the neck, instead of a belt and on the shoulder of the bag.
- Fashionable ruffles
And finally, a proposal that screams: the 2000s. Crinkled, translucent shirt in brown hue, high-waisted leather short shorts and wide top knee boots. For this necessarily a shoulder bag in the form of a torrid pad in chocolate color, geometric earrings and a jacket of men’s cut. We love this connection!
See more: Women’s warm shirts — what to choose in the winter season?
You may be interested in: The largest online women’s clothing wholesale in Poland — FactoryPrice.eu offer