The upcoming Valentine’s Day belongs to the dresses. Both those with prints and smooth ones, in flashy and muted shades, as well as cuts and styles, combining new trends with interseasonality. Tubes of knitted fabric in stripes, draped mini with cocktail top, or perhaps romantic airy organza princeski? Explore the bestselling Valentine’s Day dresses wholesale from!
Dresses for Valentine’s Day 2022 wholesale – an overview of this year’s trends
This season, designers are in agreement – the most fashionable Valentine’s Day dresses wholesale online mają się wyróżniać. Nie dziwi więc, że top modele to te z nadmuchanymi rękawami, z asymetrycznym dołem, o kroju midi i obszyte girlandą z falban. Poza tym nic nie zadziała lepiej, niż miks tych dodatków połączony z kwiatowym printem, biżuteryjnymi guzikami XXL i wstawkami z organzy. Wypadną równie dobrze, co prążkowana dzianina i gładka, otulająca bawełna, która dalej będzie święcić triumfy. Nie zapominamy również o dekoltach, które będą tu grać główną rolę. Zdecydowanie warto stawiać na klasyczne V-necki, delikatne półgolfy i dekolty na zakładkę, które zostawią przestrzeń na kaskadowy naszyjnik.

A co w kwestii koloru? Tu również mamy wytypowanego zwycięzcę. Choć to nie jedyny kolor, jaki pojawi się na tegorocznych Walentynkach, to właśnie czerwień na dobre podbiła serca fashionistek. Zawdzięczamy to kolekcjom znanych domów mody, które już w tamtym roku lansowały modele w odcieniu wiśni, szkarłatu, karminu, wina czy wpadającego w pomarańcz, cynobru. Śmiało sięgaj także po sukienki w kremowych tonacjach, nieśmiertelnej czerni i brudnego różu, który doskonale spisze się w stonowanych stylizacjach casual.
Classics or modernity, or what dresses for Valentine’s Day wholesale will work?
Although current trends clearly indicate that the price will be primarily original, redrawn dresses for Valentine’s Day 2022 wholesale, then we also do not forget about the classics of the genre. So which ones should be in your boutique? See our fashion list:
- Cocktail
This is without a doubt one of the hotter must haves of the season and one of the most diverse options for February 14. It will make a furore not only in the release of a simple tube with a ruffled hem, but also in combination with a flared, airy skirt, with mesh sleeves and sewn from soft velor in invigorating color.
- Draped
Remember last year’s trend for straight dresses with a draped, fitted mini skirt yet? If not, it is high time to refresh your memory and assortment, as these will be some of the most popular models for Valentine’s Day. A special craze will reign for those from a thin, semi-transparent mesh with abstract liniment, with a shirt top and a tightly cut V-neckline.
- Matched
Dresses for Valentine’s Day wholesale from also could not do without the basics tubes and fitted simple knitted models. This is currently the quintessence of femininity, which does not need to be seasoned with anything more. You can only throw in the company of decorative buttons at the bottom of the skirt, modest stand-up collar, accent neckline or elegant cuffs.
- Scaled
After a few seasons of safe solutions, we return to fashion experiments. Therefore, also do not deny yourself dresses with giant balloon sleeves, with a barque line of shoulders, as well as decorative crystal appliques. We offer for this also a sparkle of sequins and a garland made of flounce size XXL. Talluring?
Romantic dressup by – get inspired with us!
How to style fashionable dresses for Valentine’s Day wholesaleto delight your significant other? Check out our ready-made proposals:
- Roses from head to toe (almost)
Total looki as always included in the price. Therefore, for the first fire goes a set, which will not be resisted by any supporter of parisian chic in a modern twist. It is enough to combine a powdery pink tube with a beret of identical shade, trimmed with pearls and a fur coat, which will perfectly break the monotony of the set. For this hand box and pumps made of leather in cream tone – voila!
- Romantic red
Our next styling is an excellent last minute choice that will warm up the atmosphere for a romantic dinner. We put it like this – a red puffy dress, a leather trench coat to the ground, earrings, and to be exact, a quilted clutch bag matched in color to ankle boots on a pin with a soft upper. For this expressive make-up, which will coherently close the whole – sensual cocktail ready.
- Colourful casual
Dresses for Valentine’s Day wholesale online they don’t have to be flashy at all. Contrary to appearances, those that are rather associated with everyday casual looks are also great. How to put them together? We for the tube in a coffee shade chose a redrawn jacket made of wool, a beret of expressive color and a neat postwoman on a chain. In addition, we turned it up with mid-thigh officers, which seasoned the set with a hint of spice and broke the boredom of casual.
Also check out: Classic dresses – timeless models