Focusing on clothes, we often forget about accessories, and after all, they are the ones that give the styling chic and can make it unique. Clothing stores increasingly offer a variety of accessories in addition to clothes — shoes, handbags, hair accessories and others. Today we discuss what small women’s bags wholesale has on sale. Check, buy in bulk and offer interesting solutions to your customers.
Casual Mailmen
Not every woman needs a shopper bag, briefcase or bag bag on a daily basis. Parts of us are enough less roomy, but much more handy postman bags. They have a well-ordered space, multiple compartments and chambers, and a braced bottom. But first of all, the advantage is a long strap, which allows you to wear on the shoulder and through the torso. A characteristic element of the classic postman is also the flap on the front. The bag is usually fastened with a latch, sometimes also additionally with a zipper. Mailmen They can be of different cut — square, rectangular, have rounded corners. Models are most often decorated with buckles, belts, chains, decorative appliqués, studs, tassels or inserts made of other materials. Such small women’s handbags wholesale sells both in models made of eco-leather and genuine leather. Models are usually single-color, but there are also several two-tone styles on offer. They can be decorated with prints, inscriptions or patterns.
Special Occasion clutch
For celebrations, parties and parties, elegant clutch bags will be excellent. Small Women’s Handbags They resemble envelopes in their shape — they are oblong and rectangular. Classic models of clutches have a triangular flap (usually fastened with a latch). Currently, clutches do not always have a flap on the front (or it is rounded), but all models look stylish and will work for special occasions. Clutch bags is usually carried in hand. Sometimes they have an attached strap — made of the material as a handbag or in the form of a chain. Small Women’s Handbags tego typu pomieszczą niewiele rzeczy, ale znajdzie się w nich miejsce na wszystko co niezbędne podczas wielkiego wyjścia. Kopertówki są często ozdobione metalicznymi ozdobami – klamrami, cekinami, perełkami, brokatem, są w metalicznym odcieniu lub mają specjalną, połyskującą powłokę materiału. Można wybierać spośród modeli jednolitych, dwukolorowych albo we wzory. Materiał może być ozdobiony imitacją skóry węża czy krokodyla lub lakierowany.

Beach Bags
What else small women’s handbags wholesale has on sale? A great choice, especially for summer, are small women’s handbags in a beach edition. For several years in the spring-summer season, braided models, also called basket bags, have enjoyed great popularity. They are decorated in bright colours, referring to jute or straw in their shade, bringing to mind natural materials. In addition to such shades beach handbags are often yellow or orange. They can be uniform or two-tone. Frequent decorations of beach bags are colorful tassels, tassels or pomponiki. Beach Bags They can also have inserts made of wood, leather or eco-leather. Such models will be perfect for summer styling and will fit all year round with sets in the style of boho, hippie or ethno.
Small women’s bags wholesale kidneys
Discussing small women’s handbags it is impossible to bypass the kidneys. Handbags This type is derived from the sports style and are worn by more and more women. Comfortable, fastened at waist, hip level or postponed by torso kidneys are small and very handy. Fashionable are first of all kidney pouches with logos of famous sports brands, inscriptions or prints. Accessories fit perfectly with urban, sports and casual outfits. However, this type of handbags was so to the liking of women, that more and more often in shops and wholesalers we can also see kidneys in an elegant style. These are models made of eco-leather or genuine leather, decorated with metallic elements or shimmering ornaments. They have shimmering, lacquered, quilted or crocodile skin-imitating material. Kidneys Pouches So, nowadays it is worn for a variety of stylizations, more and more often also for elegant ones. The kidney in the set for a party or a date no longer surprises anyone, perhaps soon it will also be an alternative to classic handbags for big outings.
It is also worth betting on custom small women’s handbags. We are talking here, first of all, about models of different shape. How different from the rest small women’s handbags wholesale has on offer? You will find round or triangular models, as well as small bags and sachets for hanging on the belt. All small women’s handbags what wholesale offers, are available in many cuts, styles, dimensions, color variations, with a variety of ornaments, appliqués and patterns.