Regardless of the type of styling, it is always worth choosing classic women’s bags for them. Today we tell you what timeless fashionable models should be placed when making wholesale purchases for your stores.
Shopper bag
Shopper bag bags are by far the most popular style. Large, roomy bags have a simple cut, so they are suitable for a variety of stylizations. Most often we wear them every day — to work, school, college, coffee with a friend or shopping. Most models are able to accommodate A4 format documents. often shopper bag they do not have a stiffened bottom, which makes it possible to move a large amount of things. In the wholesale store there are models with short handles for carrying in hand, longer ones to put on the shoulder and with an adjustable length adjustable strap that allows you to pass through the torso. Shopper bag often do not have a fastening of the main compartment on the zipper, but only on the latch. Sometimes there is a smaller purse with a zipper attached to them, into which you can put the most important things. Bags shopper bag are decorated in muted colors (black, navy, white, brown or gray). Thanks to this, the accessory fits perfectly with a variety of colored styling. The nobility of the purse can add material with a pattern imitating the skin of a snake or crocodile.
Classic Ladies Shoulder Handbags
Another fashionable model is classic women’s shoulder bags. They can be of different sizes — from large, medium-sized to small. Women’s Shoulder Handbags they usually only have short handles to put on the shoulder, sometimes a longer strap is attached. This model of bags is the most diverse — we can choose from many cuts, color variants and decorations. Purses with metallic elements such as sequins, beads, jewellery moldings, beads, decorative zippers or rhinestones fit into the latest trends. A good choice are classic women’s shoulder bags we wzory – paski, grochy, kratę, wzory zwierzęce czy motywy kwiatowe. Wiele modeli jest ozdobionych kolorowymi haftami, nadrukami czy napisami. Warto stawiać na fasony w klasycznych kolorach, inne stonowane barwy (khaki, oliwkowy, bordowy, burgundowy), pastelowe odcienie (błękitny, jasnoróżowy, miętowy) czy mocne barwy (czerwony, żółty, pomarańczowy, turkusowy, kobaltowy, fioletowy, różowy).

Messenger Bags
As the name suggests postman handbags They resemble a postman’s bag in appearance. They have a long strap for carrying over the shoulder. Classic models also have a deferable flap, an additional fastened with a belt or latch. Handbags these are medium-sized — they don’t fit A4 format documents, but you can hide a lot of stuff in them. They are usually single-chambered and have several pockets — outside and inside. They work for outings, parties or a meeting with friends. They are available in many colors and designs. The most common decorations are elements in metallic shades — zippers, buckles, chains or rhinestones. Models decorated with tassels, tassels, colored pompoms, embroidery, prints, as well as inscriptions look great. Some models are interesting with their non-standard cut — they are round or have side walls in the shape of a triangle.
Special Occasion clutch
For festive occasions, dinners, balls, cocktails, parties, weddings or dates, elegant clutches will be perfect. The small ones handbags They resemble an envelope in their shape — classic models are oblong, rectangular and have a deposition flap in the form of a triangle. The flaps can also have a rounded bottom or a rectangular shape. Handbags is worn in the hand or on the shoulder (models have a strap or chain attached). clutchcards They can be uniform and have a classic shade or attract the eye with their color or decorations. clutchcards They are often lacquered or have a material decorated with glitter, sequins, decorative motifs or imitation of snake or crocodile skin pattern. Very popular are clutchcards in metallic shades — gold, silver and any other color with metallic coating. We also recommend mirror models with mirrored light reflecting coating. Handbags for special occasions they are often two-tone — they combine classic color with a strong or metallic shade.
Not only sports kidneys
For several seasons, they have enjoyed great popularity kidney bagsi. These are small sachets connected to an adjustable strap, which can be worn at the height of the hips, abdomen or through the trunk. The biggest advantage kidneys is, first of all, that we do not have to carry it in our hands or weigh down one of the arms. Conveniently fastened kidney thus gives us maximum comfort and freedom of movement. Initially, these were typically sports models, made of fabric, decorated with emblems of sports brands. Currently, women are also happy to bet on kidneys with an elegant appearance made of eco-leather or genuine leather. They are worn not only for everyday looks, but also for parties, dates and even special occasions. Kidneys Pouches They are perfectly combined with both sports clothes, jeans, T-shirts, shirts, as well as dresses and skirts. Models are often decorated with colorful prints, embroidery or inscriptions or metal locks.
Classic Ladies Handbags Wholesale buy at the wholesale store.