At many companies, daily work has changed during the coronavirus pandemic to home office. Our wardrobes and the way we chose and bought clothes also changed. We tell about it in our article and tell you how to dress for the home office to feel comfortable at work.
How to dress for the home office?
The approach to clothes and styling has changed significantly in recent times. Working from home is not the same as in the office. Some of us are relieved to put aside official clothes, forced looks and happily sits down in our favourite clothes to work on the home office. Others completely cannot find themselves in the new dress code, which now combines staying at home and at work simultaneously (and sometimes even at school, if we have children learning remotely). More and more often there are questions how to dress on home office. Check out which groups in terms of selecting clothes for home office employees share.
How do others do it?
Employees on home office are divided into three groups of people in terms of styling for work. Representatives of the first group put convenience first. They opt for comfortable clothes such as sweatpants, bluzy, koszulki czy dresowe komplety. Druga grupa ubiera się tak samo jak do pracy z obawy, z jednej strony z przyzwyczajenia, z drugiej z powodu tego, że uważają, że bardziej domowy strój ich rozleniwi. Najwięcej ludzi wybiera jednak opcję po środku – łączy klasyczny wygląd z casualowym ubraniem, aby czuć się swobodnie, ale w razie niezapowiedzianej wideokonferencji wyglądać odpowiednio. Stawiają na zestawy z koszulami i jeansami, sukienkami i legginsami czy swetrami i eleganckimi spodniami. Ubiór jest jednak uzależniony od specyfiki naszej pracy. Jeśli pracując w domu ciągle uczestniczysz w wideokonferencjach Twoja stylizacja powinna być tak elegancka jak zawsze.

Online conferences and meetings
Do you have a video conference at work, a meeting with your boss, or maybe training? You’re supposed to look just as stylish as you do every day in the office. A great choice will then be fabric pants and a stylish shirt. Given the video message, avoid models with small patterns or stripes — best bet on uniform styles. Do not choose ornaments that attract attention, for example, glossy ones. The dress code rules have not changed — in addition to patterns, bet on such items of clothing as before when you worked in the office. It is best to choose clothes in muted shades and classic cuts, and to reduce the ornaments to a minimum. Of bright colors, you can bet on white or beige or pastel shades — sky blue, light pink or apricot. Dark colors recommend navy blue and black. Remember the styling for meeting online is complete. Usually you can only see the upper part of the body, but if you have to get up for something, for example, it’s good that the bottom of your styling matches the top.
We focus on convenience
why clothing wholesale writes about women’s clothes on the home office? We want to show you, our customers, that the approach of customers to shopping has changed dramatically in recent times. Women began to attach much more importance to the materials from which clothes are made. They are more willing to bet on soft fabrics such as cotton, knitwear or velor. They choose clothes that do not crumple too much and are easy to care for. Above all, however, purchasing trends have changed. Recently, a lot of women have bought sweatshirt models of clothes — dresses of casual cut, sweatshirt sets, warm sweatshirts or comfortable sweatpants. Increased popularity than usual are also enjoyed by various types of sweaters, cardigans and sweater dresses. We are happy to bet on everything that has a comfortable cut, provides freedom and thermal comfort. However, we do not forget about aesthetic qualities — we decide not only for smooth, uniform, classic models, we also choose styles with decorations.
Expand your range with women’s clothes at the home office
Women are now primarily looking for comfortable clothes. This is an excellent time to expand the offer of your store with models from the so-called sweatshirt. Cotton sweatpants, sweatshirts, dresses or sets of clothing are now the most sought-after type of clothes. We also recommend buying women’s sweaters. This is one of the most popular clothes for the winter, and now they are very happy to choose women’s clothes for home office. In our wholesale you will find models long, cardigans, classic, oversized, with turtleneck or decorated with a stylish braid. Online clothing wholesaler will allow you to expand the offer by women’s clothes for home office. All you have to do is create an account (we require only company registration data) and you can complete the first order. wholesale does not require a minimum order amount, and purchases can be made from just one piece. We take care of our customers and their business — every day with you in mind we update our offer and share 100 new products. Currently, the range of wholesalers already counts more than 20,000 clothes.